Sunday 4 August 2013


Certain radical and inevitable changes in life have made me revive this dead space after what seems like an eternity.So, i am just sitting cross-legged in my room, contemplating whether to write out the whole truth or part of the truth so i am just going to go with typing the first thing that pops into my mind. It's been six months since i last posted and i have experienced tons of stuffs ranging from remarkable to suicidal.

1. SYF
The journey to this competition has been one of the prime moments of life though the results were not desirable. I met new people, made friends, picked up a lot of skills along the way and was introduced to a brilliant instruments. The sad part is that the seniors who are the pillar to the band are mostly Sec 4s and they have to step down and concentrate on their studies. They rarely come back and so we have to play songs with the Sec 1s that are not as challenging and boring for the time to come... I strongly dislike the present committee of leaders that are the Secs 3 and the way they are misguiding the band.

2. Grades
I improved a lot for my mid-year examinations which i found startling! But ever since semester 2, my grades have been sliding even though i worked twice my butt off for all my common tests. I am not satisfied with myself but, i am trying to push all negative thoughts away and strive hard for my end-of-year examinations.

3. School
I hate the whole system that the school is run by though i enjoy lessons in school.

4. Friends
She is my good friend of 3 years but she decides to forsake everything over some mushy bf/gf (I hate these terms) relationship. She left me drenched in the rain while walking home with some love-sick boy. She demeans me and makes me feel inferior. She is as two-faced as a coin can ever be.She disgusts and irritates me by probably dating every guy she lays her eyes on. She is a person of my past and this is officially the last time i am ever going to speak of her ever again... :)

I managed to squeeze in some time for visits to the library. I read a book called "Keep Sweet" and it has been a long time since a book like this have impacted me in such great volume that I researched everything about it the moment i reached home. The innocence of the world that is violated by the malicious greed and evils of the world. I relished the book in one seating and the the last sentence of the book still resound in my mind.

6. I miss nature and i wish that i can visit the botanical gardens soon but my plan is put off until the end of the examinations so BOO!

7. Cousins
They might be coming back from the States soon because their grandfather is diagnosed with cancer and is not responding well to treatment.

As you can see, i am too lazy to carry on so i'll stop now. Till next time...

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