Friday 1 February 2013

A new chapter

Chapter 1:


My name is Unice. Yes, it is not spelt with an "E" at the front so I guess that what makes my name unusual and unique. I am born on the 16 of January and I am a Capricorn. My favourite colours(in order) are blue, purple and green. I love animals and nature. I am deeply fascinated by all natural wonders like the northern lights, rainbows appearing in the night and many more... I love music, literature and art... Not that I excel in all but I have a strong appreciation for them. I play the guitar, euphonium and a tad bit on the piano. I used to go for guitar lessons but stopped recently because of the increasing workload in school and I am not able to handle so many things at once so I had to quit. as for the piano, I have my aunt and cousins to teach me only during the school holidays. I play the euphonium in my school band. If you are asking why I chose the euphonium in the first place... I don't have the answer for that. Maybe it struck me that I wanted to be different, I wanted to try out new things and have more experiences so I would have more memories to look back to...  My favourite super idol would surely be the one and only Taylor Swift!!! She is such an inspiration and role model for me. She expresses herself through her songs honestly, carry herself with grace and confidence and she is a strong, fierce and independent woman and does not give two hoots about whether she has a guy partner or not. Her truthfulness in her songs tells us all the heart-breaking, heart- stopping experiences in the stage of growing up. It also tell us all about the simple yet abundant joys of life like friendship and family. Apart from that, she carries a strong message and conviction through  her songs to influence people and make this world a better place to live in. It's getting late now...touch on these topics soon if I have the time so, toodles!


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