Saturday 23 February 2013

Chinese New Year 2013

  Trololo......I am back peeps! I know It's been a long, long ,long time.....but hey, its not really my fault you know. School life= sad life in Singapore. Anyway ,back to the topic. I am a Chinese so there's nothing that i would rather talk about unless it's Chinese new year. Important thing is ,i get to skip two and a half day of school oh yeah!!!  I had three fun filled days during the festive season, ate a lot of goodies and snacks (I put on 2kg) and most importantly, received lots of angpaos ( red packet) !!!
On the eve of Chinese new year,  we went to the nearby market in the morning to get last minute items at cheaper prices . Then, we went to our paternal grandparents'house for steamboat. We had a wide array of food like sausages, tofu, mushrooms, fish balls. vegetables, crab meat, hot dog and even abalone!!!( I forgot to take pictures though, sorry)

  The best part of the new year would be the first and second day as we get to celebrate with our cousins from my mother's side.I got to admit that I am closer to them. We went to the temple in the morning to pray for a little while and headed straight to our kim poh (my grandmother's sister) 's house. It was kinda boring but at least i get to eat kueh lapis and collect angpohs. Motto for the festive season: Don't forget to take your  angpohs. Ha-ha... Not that  I am greedy or anything but i am saving up for my university funds. In the later part of the day, we finally went to fourth aunt's house for steamboat. We chat a little bit and it was time for blackjack!!! The maximum bet was like $0.50 but whatever... Things started to spice up only when my mother dropped her coins onto the floor and bend down to pick it up. In the midst of that, she farted and started laughing hysterically.She then went on to explain that the fart came unexpectedly and everyone started laughing along with her. Didn't see the point of the joke so i kept a straight face We played until the wee hours in the night. When I returned home, I was so dog-tired that i crawled into my bed without washing up.
  On the second day, celebration is in my house. My mother was shocked to see me in my previous day clothes and a lion's mane to top it off with. Meal of the day was Mee Siam( a Malay dish)and sausage macaroni. Yummy! My brother and I were horsing around during the preparations of the dish and some of the eggs that we were peeling split into half.Guests started arriving and i played Brave on the telly. I have been waiting to see that show but never got a chance to do so. It was a brilliant and stunning movie and it is rather unique due to the fact that i have never heard a Scottish accent before. We played blackjack again and my mother recounted the same old story again which made everyone laugh. To sum it up, it was a fun day!
Third day, it was a trip to my aunt's house. We watched tinker-bell and total recall.There is not really a lot of things to do in her house and we went to another temple. I slept like a log after i reached home.
     There goes my new year, I am looking forward to the next one!

                                                            Steamboat for the first day


                                                                         Polka Dots
                                                                  Hard-boiled eggs
                                                                       My brother
                                                            End results - Notice the Cracks?
                                                     Sausages and hotdogs- My creations

                                                             Aunt's House on third day

                                                              It was all black alright
                                                                      My hands
                                                                 Cornflakes tarts


I am amazed if you read all the way to this sentence...8)


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